The Skincare No-Nos That Might Surprise You!

When it comes to skincare there are some definite Do’s.
Do choose quality natural products. Do have a regular routine. Do the essential steps of cleansing and moisturising.
And, there are probably just as many Don’ts!
You know the obvious ones, like don’t pick any spots that come out. Don’t choose products with scary ingredients you can’t pronounce. And don’t over-exfoliate your skin.
But, there are heaps of other things that people do, not realising they are a no-no!
So today, we are listing the skincare no-nos that might surprise you so you can avoid making these little mistakes. Here we go…
Skin No-No 1: Too Many Products!
There is a product out there for everything. But, it doesn’t mean you should use them all, and certainly not on a regular basis. There is such a thing as too much skincare.
By applying multiple products with different jobs and various active ingredients you can actually confuse your skin. This can create adverse reactions, which is the exact opposite result of what you are trying to achieve by using the products in the first place!
Instead of letting your eye be caught by every product that promises a miracle cure or result, stick to a core range of quality products and use them consistently. We recommend the Bloomer Starter Bundle as a great daily solution.
Skincare No-No 2: Using Old Products
It can be super tempting to use a product until it is all gone. However, you want to consider the fact that the longer a skincare product is open, the more chance there is for it to degrade and for bacteria growth to occur.
That means the ingredients can spoil over time, leaving your skincare less effective. Skincare is often stored in the bathroom, an area that is frequently overrun with moisture. This can cause any bacteria or microorganisms to multiply. You then put that product onto your skin. It could cause irritation, skin flare-ups, or even infection.
So, it’s important to pay close attention to the expiry dates on your products and to throw them out once they go beyond that date.
Skincare No-No 3: Skipping Sunscreen
Sunscreen is an essential part of your skincare routine. You should apply it consistently even on cloudy days. Some people fall into the trap of not applying sunscreen as they put makeup on instead. Makeup is not a foolproof solution and it often doesn't cover areas like your neck or shoulders, leaving these areas exposed and at risk.
You also need to be mindful of the sun when you are under a covered area, especially if you are near large windows, open-sided shelters or glass roofing. The UV rays of the sun can still penetrate through some materials, leaving you unexpectedly at risk.
Skincare No-No 4: Using Hot Water
There is nothing nicer than the feeling of stepping into a hot shower on a cold day when you are chilly! However, while it feels nice, the hot water of the shower could be stripping your skin of all its natural oils. This can result in dryness and irritation.
The same applies when washing your face during your skincare routine. Hot water can damage your skin. That’s why it is better to use lukewarm water to wash your skin gently..
Skincare No-No 5: Neglecting Your Neck and Hands
When going through the skincare motions, we often focus on our faces. But there are two other parts of the body that are exposed to the elements almost as much as your face. They are your neck and hands. Neglecting these parts can cause them to dry out or to show signs of premature aging.
So, make sure you include your neck and hands in your skincare routine. Regular cleansing and moisturising will keep the skin soft, supple and youthful. And don’t forget to apply sunscreen in these areas also.
Skincare No-No 6: Rubbing Or Scratching Your Skin
Is there a wrong way to dry your skin? Yep, there sure is!
When using a towel or other fabric to dry your skin, make sure that you dab or pat lightly. Rubbing vigorously can cause irritation and even create micro-tears in your skin.
The same goes when you feel an itch on your skin. Scratching at it with your nails can damage the delicate surface layer. Instead of scratching, try rubbing or applying a cold cloth to the itchy area.
Skincare No-No 7: Skipping Moisturiser
If you experience oily skin, you might think you don’t need to moisturise. This is a big mistake - moisturiser won’t make your skin greasier. In fact, skipping the moisturiser can cause your skin to produce even more oil to compensate for a lack of hydration.
It is better to choose a lightweight, oil-free moisturiser to keep your skin hydrated and balanced.
Skincare No-No 8: Falling For The Hype
Many skincare products claim that they provide miracle solutions. One of the big culprits for that is spot cream. They will claim to nuke any pimples that form, clearing them up in no time.
In reality, many spot creams use harsh ingredients to dry up those pimples. But, they can also dry the rest of your skin, leaving it feeling red and tight. So, they may deal with that one spot, but the repercussions could lead to worse skin problems long term.
You need to ensure you choose your acne products wisely. Don’t fall for the hype of brands claiming miracle solutions. Rather, stick with a quality natural brand like Stay Clear to manage your breakouts in a healthy way.
Skincare No-No 9: Not Cleaning Your Phone
This one doesn’t even have anything to do with the skincare products you choose, rather a healthy habit you should get into. We constantly touch our phones with our hands, move them in and out of pockets and bags, and place them down on surfaces like benches and cafe tables.
With all that contact, they can pick up an awful lot of dirt, grime and bacteria. If you don’t clean your phone regularly, you can inadvertently transfer those nasties onto your face when you hold your phone up to your ear. This can lead to irritation and even breakouts.
So, take the time to clean your phone regularly!
Skincare No-No 10: Using The Same Towel For Face and Body
When you use one towel for everything, you can accidentally transfer the bacteria from your hands and body onto your face. Again, this creates a big risk of irritating your skin and causing breakouts.
That’s why it is a good idea to use separate towels for all the bathroom jobs! Have a hand towel for when you wash your hands, a towel to dry your body after you shower, and a separate clean towel for your face. This will prevent any cross contamination.
Good Skincare Always Wins
No matter how many no-nos you avoid when it comes to your skin, it won’t be healthy and glowing unless you choose a quality range of products.
You can’t go wrong with Summer + Bloom. Made from natural ingredients we have a product to suit all skin types and ages. Powerful enough to do what it says on the label, but gentle enough to use every day, it is the ultimate skincare solution.
Browse the range now.