What Your Skin Is Telling You: Skin Problems To Watch Out For

Your skin might not have a literal voice. But, if you listen closely, you can hear it telling you things.
When something seems a little bit out of the ordinary, your skin is trying to alert you to something.
But it’s not just the one-off symptoms.
If you have skin problems that crop up regularly, that can also be your skin sending you an SOS call.
So, it’s time to listen up and understand the messages your skin is giving you. Let’s decipher those messages now.
What Your Skin Is Telling You: Skin Problems To Watch Out For
Breakouts: ‘Something Isn’t Balanced Right Now’
Argh, a breakout! They usually crop up at the most annoying time, right? Well, breakouts are more than an annoyance. They are actually your skin’s way of telling you that something is out of balance.
The reasons for breakouts can vary. But, the main culprits are usually hormones, poor diet, stressed moments, or clogged pores. The first step of the solution is to ensure you are regularly cleansing your skin. This cleansing removes excess oil and ensures that you don’t get a build up of old makeup or grime. It can prevent breakouts from occurring. You can also choose to use a quality spot treatment product like Stay Clear.
The next step is to establish what is causing those breakouts. Hormone fluctuations can happen as your monthly cycle progresses, so you may be naturally prone to breakouts at certain times in the month. Be aware of when those times are and try to avoid stress or eating poorly then.
If you believe diet or stress are the triggers, then it is totally within your control to remedy these things. Try to remove yourself from stressful situations or employ tactics like mindfulness and deep breathing to maintain calm.
Diet can also be managed easily if you are mindful about what you put in your mouth. Remember that it might not just be a case of minimising fatty foods, takeaways or sugar. Certain foods like dairy, eggs or gluten can be triggers for some people. Alcohol is also a big one to be mindful of!
Irritation: ‘I’m Feeling Really Sensitive!’
Red and irritated skin is your body telling you it is sensitive to something in your environment. That ‘something’ could be a whole range of things, so it’s important to get to the bottom of the cause quickly to prevent the irritation from occurring again.
Environmental factors can be from many places. Often, it is from something new in your routine. So, consider whether you have introduced a new skincare or haircare product to your routine. Also, think wider - soap, shampoo, laundry powder, perfume, diffusers, and cleaning products could all cause unexpected irritation if they contain ingredients your skin doesn’t like.
If you haven’t changed anything, but are still experiencing irritation, check your current skincare products. If they are old or have been open for a while, they may have been contaminated with bacteria or other pollutants. And don’t forget that pesky stress beast either, stress can also show as redness or irritation on your skin.
Dark Circles: ‘More Self-Care Needed Here!’
Having dark circles under your eyes is widely known as a sign that you aren’t getting enough sleep. But, sometimes these pesky dark marks can appear even if you are getting your recommended 8 hours a night.
Those dark circles can tell you that the sleep you are getting is not as restorative as it should be. Your habits could be preventing you from getting a good sleep. You might not be fuelling your body with the right things, not giving yourself a chance to wind down at night before bed, or not creating a restful sleeping environment.
These things can be easy to fix, along with making sure you aren’t pushing yourself beyond your limits during your waking hours. Dark circles under your eyes mean more self-care is needed. Along with modifying your habits, you should also choose a great moisturiser that contains plenty of Vitamin C to reduce puffiness.
Dry Skin: ‘Hydrate Me Please!’
When your skin feels dry, flakey or rough then you are probably experiencing dehydration. The weather can be a big contributing factor to dry skin, but it isn’t just one season that is the culprit. Wind and interior heating can be problematic during the colder months, and the sun’s harmful rays are always a challenge in the warmer ones.
Environmental factors are not the only cause of dry skin though. It could be any number of things, you can find out more about dry skin solutions in our recent blog here. The general rule is to hydrate from within by drinking plenty of water and having a great skincare routine that includes naturally hydrating products and sun protection.
Oily Skin: ‘I’m Working A Bit Too Hard’
At the other end of the spectrum of dry skin is oily skin. A big skin myth is that you shouldn’t moisturise oily skin, but that is totally wrong! Ironically, when your skin produces too much oil, it might actually be compensating for a lack of moisture.
If you are experiencing oily skin, it can be your body’s way of telling you it is stressed or dehydrated and that it is working overtime to protect itself by producing oil. You don’t want to use a harsh product to strip this oil away. Rather a gentle cleanser will remove the excess oil and a gentle moisturiser will help with hydration to prevent further unnecessary oil production.
Dull Complexion: ‘I Need A Boost Please!
When your skin looks a little dull, it means that it needs a boost of some sort. There are many things that can cause your skin to lose its glow - environmental factors, lack of sleep and good old stress can all make things a bit lacklustre.
Regardless of the cause, your skin is telling you it needs a bit of TLC!
The best remedy is to check in with your skincare routine to ensure you are completing the necessary cleansing and moisturising steps on a regular basis. Then, maybe add in a little boost for your skin. This could come in the form of a repair gel or a hydrating sheet mask.
Listen Carefully
It’s vital to listen to what your skin is telling you so that you can correct any little niggles before they become a big problem. So, monitor your skin regularly for signs that it might need some help.
The best way to make sure your skin isn’t being overly chatty with a bunch of problems is to ensure you have a great regular skincare routine all year round. Here at Summer + Bloom, we specialise in natural products that do exactly what they say they do on the label!
So, head over and shop our range now to keep your skin quiet and happy.